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Kami Memiliki Banyak Partner Yang Jangkauannya Skala Nasional Dan Internasional. Bersama Partner Ini, Kami Siap Menjadi Bagian Dari Solusi Kebutuhan Perusahaan Anda

Di Boreas Technology, yang berlokasi di Tekirdağ -Çerkezköy, di area produksi seluas 35.000 meter persegi,Boreas di antaranya memproduksi dan menjual perangkat yang dirancang khusus untuk pusat data, unit kontrol iklim tipe kompak dan modular, dan sistem pendingin udara

Briese Air Adalah perusahaan yang menjual Produk  AHU dan chiller yang berlokasi di Indonesia

Dehumidifer, Building Dryers adsorption Dehumidifier Commercial & Industrial Modern Thermoelectric Paltier element (without commpressor and Refrigerant)

Perusahaan ini Bergerak di bidang Supplyer HVAC untuk segmen Industrial, Commercial, dan Residencial, dan kami menjual di antaranya alat ukur Udara, AHU Filter dan Alat ukur  kelembaban udara

Bry-Air, adalah penyedia solusi global untuk dehumidifikasi dan pengeringan, filtrasi fase gas, pemulihan panas limbah suhu tinggi

PT Daikin Airconditioning Indonesia was established in June 2012 and is part of Daikin Global to provide world-class quality products and serve the Indonesian market customer needs.

Panasonic adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang elektronik konsumen, peralatan rumah tangga, solusi industri, energi, otomotif, dan konstruksi.

Luta focus on prducing dehumidifier, humidifier and air water generator for 6+ years. Our products have CB, CE, GS, ETL certifications etc, with 1 years warranty

ITU Management consists of experts and skilled, well-trained engineers and technicians that work hands in hand together as a competen and dependeble team.

Desiccant Technologies Group UAB – is a European based manufacturer of desiccant based dehumidification systems and bespoke Air Handling Units.

Puresci is the global expert in the field of desiccant rotor and absorbing material. Over the last decades, we have been continuously setting new industry directions for the global market of desiccant rotor .

At YORK®, comfort is more than a feeling it’s a promise: to innovate, to assure and, most of all, to deliver. Find out how we leverage our unparalleled residential dealer network and world-class commercial support services to lead the industry.